Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nonsurgical lipolysis - drleng's comments

There are countless people round the people who are almost literally dying to shed excess fat the easy way. There have been 2 recent cases of death by liposuction recently in the press in the Klang Valley.

What's on offer is endless.
Easy way out fat loss can essentially be divided into:

1) traditional liposuction -whether it is ultrasound assisted or laser assisted ("laserlipolysis") or plain vacuum suction, liposuction is liposuction i.e. an invasive cannula is shoved into the fat area & suction is applied to remove the fat. Whether this procedure is life-threatening or whether it works to your expectations depends very much on your choice of surgeon & pre-op counselling.

2) Chemical fat dissolution (injection lipolysis, "Lipodissolve", "Lipostabil", "mesolipo")
This involves injections of a cocktail of drugs/homeopathic ingredients (which purport to dissolve the fat) directly into the fat layer of the skin. The drugs break down the fat walls, liberating the fats which are "gotten rid of via the body's normal metabolic pathways". In other words, the fats don't magically disappear into thin air - you still need to exercise to burn it off or eat fewer calories in order for your body to burn it off with normal activities. If you eat more than you can burn off, the "dissolved fats" will just go through the body & get recycled & stored elsewhere in the body again - where? Nobody knows, maybe in blood vessels where it may add to fatty plaques, block arteries & cause heart attacks & strokes.
Remember, fats don't magically disappear, you have to burn them off or get them sucked out. provides a nice summary of this topic.

I personally think this is a very promising method of removing stubborn pockets of fat in people with a normal range body mass index (i.e. <25). However, safe protocols (i.e. maximum safe dose, where to inject, etc) need to be determined before it can be recommended en masse. There are some ongoing FDA approved trials on phosphatidylcholine/deoxycholate injections & we should see protocols being published by 2010.

3) Machine assisted fat emulsification ("Ultrashape", Thermage & thousands of brands of radiofrequency machines - Accent, Ultracountour, "Ultrasonic lipolysis", etc , etc)

Ultrashape uses ultrasound waves to disrupt fat cells by breaking down the membranes, causing release of free fatty acids which are transported to the liver or other tissues that need them as energy. The liver cannot differentiate between fatty acids that originate from disrupted fat cells from Ultrashape or those originating from a meal consumed several hours ago. In other words, the machine will disrupt the fat cell at the treated site but you'll still need to burn off the fatty acids released. See the above.

Radiofrequency or low level laser will cause a transitory pore in the cell membrane to open & cause the fat to go from inside to outside the cell. Again , the fat needs to be burnt off other wise it will just redeposit in the body.

Whatever treatment (mentioned above) you choose, you have to accept that these are only ways to remove targeted areas of fat. It doesn't replace a healthy calorie-controlled diet & exercise to keep you healthy & your weight in check. There is no miracle fat loss procedure that works by you just lying down with no need to sweat or risk your life with invasive surgery.